Most people believe that second opinion is ONLY for a scary condition, however, this is not true. Even for small surgical procedures where the consequences may be cheaper medical care, better quality of life, or alternative procedure, you may want to seek a second opinion. It is not always before surgery or treatment but could be before starting any medication or going in for a surgery. But getting a second opinion is mostly considered when you have to make a medical choice either for yourself or your family, especially when dealing with heart diseases or any life-threatening disease but are not clear about the outcomes.



A second opinion is nothing but getting a clear idea about the various treatment options available to deal with the condition and knowing about the health consequences post-treatment or surgery. While you may not need a reason to get a second opinion for every other medical problem, there are times when getting one may be the best option.

But do keep in mind that second opinion may not necessarily be the right one. If the opinions provided by both the doctors differ significantly, then you may even have to go for a third one. The point here is to keep digging until you are well aware of all the possibilities related to the disease and diagnosis and possible treatment options.

However, this doesn’t mean that you do not have to trust your doctor’s capabilities or arrive at a conclusion that the treatment offered by your doctor is not right based on “Internet” search results. It goes without saying that getting a second opinion is a subjective matter and it depends on an individual to decide whether to consult another doctor or not.

The cardiac advises that can have an impact by Second Opinion includes are :

  • Whether to go for Medical Management or Angioplasty or Bypass surgery ( Evidence Bases Practice )
  • Whether to undergo some different or advance Imaging options ( Stress Echo , Thalium Scan , OCT , FFR study etc .)
  • Choosing to wait or immediately take treatment or undergo surgery

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  1. 1. Your Discharge Card / Surgery details
  2. 2. Latest Reports
  3. 3. Last Prescriptions
  4. 4. Additional documents
